Psychological assessment, also known as psychological testing, a mentality test, or a psychological evaluation, is a process used to better understand a person and their overall functioning. It relies on psychometric psychology and data to understand a person’s psychological or mental health status, including challenges, personality style, IQ, cognitive abilities, or achievement functioning. It aims to identify strengths and weaknesses, while considering the context of the individual and providing insight into one’s performance, way of operating, and potential causes.
Psych testing is usually ordered to better understand symptoms, what is causing them, and help inform and develop a treatment plan. Testing results help determine a diagnosis and guide treatment, whether for mental health concerns, ADHD assessment, or academic performance. The actual testing and evaluation process includes a clinical interview, the administration of a variety of psychological tests, analysis and interpretation of results, report writing, and feedback.
Psychological testing at Happy Life Psychological Services may include a focus on one or more of these areas:
- Cognitive: This includes IQ and Achievement testing to evaluate cognitive abilities such as attention, verbal comprehension, visual-spatial ability, abstract thought, impulsivity, problem solving, etc. Often this includes an evaluation for ADHD, which may include an adult ADHD test, an ADHD test for kids, or an ADHD test for children.
- Emotional and personality: this includes assessment of emotional and personality functioning such as depression, anxiety, and general personality style.
- Behavioral: This includes assessment of substance abuse, trauma, abuse, self-harm, suicidal thinking, impulsivity, etc.
- Executive Functioning: This evaluates self-regulation, problem solving, planning, organization, inhibition, working memory, etc.
Pre ISSB Psychological Testing:
The basic criteria for selection of an ISSB candidate are some personality qualities. If these qualities are present in the candidate then he/she will be selected. A few of these qualities are as follows:
• Self Confidence
• Persuading Ability
• Social Interaction/Relations
• Physical Strength
• Self Expression
• Planning Ability
• Bravery
• Emotional Stability
• Accountability
• Honesty
• Willpower
• Creativity
ISSB is not the test of any applicant’s distinction or prerequisites but it is a test just to judge and check these personality characteristics or qualities only.
Usually on the first day at ISSB, the psychological tests are conducted. These tests are of immense importance and carry the maximum weight for the selection criteria. These tests include.
• Word Association Test
• Sentence Completion Test
• Story Completion Test
• Picture Story Test
• Scenario ( for interview)
• Psychological interview
Every test is to be attempted with full attention and complete determination because even the smallest of the mistake can affect your career. These tests not only identify the basic abilities of the candidate but also determine the psychological or mental state of a candidate. If you are psychologically appropriate for the candidate to be selected in army then you will be recommended otherwise rejected. Moreover, nobody can make an objection against psychologist.
A few things to remember before attempting sentence completion test.
• Be brief and to the point
• Complete the sentence with a positive activity/idea
• Always complete the sentences with a positive statement
• Sentences should not be a fantasy
• Sentences should always be based on facts.
• Write with clear handwriting. Presentation should be there. (clear and visible hand writing)
• Don’t use idioms
• Make sure that the spelling mistakes are not in the sentences
• Avoid using the words I, why, do not, should be, would be, may be, always, never
• For the urdu sentences try avoid using these words: uff, shayad, agar, hosakta hai, kash aisa hota….
• Don’t give instructions,
• Do not give commands.
• Avoid cutting and overwriting; if at any step cutting is needed cut with a single line do not make it over.
• It is important to complete a sentence, do not leave a sentence incomplete halfway.
• Always start attempting the paper from the top and do not leave any sentence in the mid of the paper.
In word association test there are different words displayed one by one, in front of the applicants after 10 seconds each. These words are in English language and the candidates have to make sentences on each of the words within 10 sec time in English language only. You can follow the same steps as in Sentence Completion Test while makeing sentences in Word Association Test.
NOTE: WAT test shows a candidate’s personality in a very obvious way so be very vigilant and extra careful.
In story completion test, usually three pictures are shown to the applicant one by one. Candidates are given usually 3.5 minutes time to complete the story. It is required that story should be written in English language. A few important points to remember.
• It is important that the story should have a moral/lesson
• The hero of the story should have positive qualities
• The story should have a theme or a plot
• The story should not be in future tense
• Story should be in past tense
• The events of the story should not be fantasy
• The ending should be hopeful
• Evil should be defeated
• Avoid using abusing language even for the negative characters of the story
Usually before or sometimes after these testes the candidate has to fill a bio-data form in which the applicant has to fill the specifications like, your favorite personality, why are you inspired by him/her? If you will be rejected from ISSB then what will you do? Now usually the candidate takes these questions very lightly whereas these questions are very important to assess your personality. Like your favorite personality, its recommended that you should not identify any political leader as your favorite personality, nor any religious scholar of present era, as the political and religious views of every person varies so it is better not to touch these areas. It is important that your favorite personality should have positive qualities and leadership skills. It could even be your father or your teacher.
The question that if you will be rejected, then what will you do? is to check your belief, and how much trust you have over your own potentialities and capabilities. Instead of saying, I will try again, (which shows that you yourself is not confident about your success) the better reply could be that, I am confident that I will be selected.
Psychological Interview:
Psychological interview is to see your overall personality. Make sure to remember everything you have written in the form and in the tests. Don’t deny whatever you have already written. It is important to have a good eye contact with the interviewers. Sit straight and your posture should not be casual as if you are sitting in your drawing room. Sit straight and don’t cross your legs during the interview. Turn your neck towards a person when a question comes from another corner of the table, never cross your eyes without moving your neck. Remember your body language is more important for a psychologist then your verbal language. (Claim this article at
Satisfied Clients:
Helping Hand for Relief and Development
General Public
Psychological Assessment available at HLPS are as follow:
1 .Pre-ISSB Testing
2. Pre-FIA Testing
3. Pre-FPSC/PMS Testing
4. Child Assessment (IQ & Adaptive Skills Assessment)
5. VISA Application Assessment
6. Psychological Assessment For Police Recruitment
7. Personality Assessment
8. Mental Health Disorder Diagnosis Clinical Reports
9.Letter of Accommodation